Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the Test Tournament (Pls Do Not Edit) tournament for the age group.
Girls Under 14 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 FC Upstate
FC Upstate - GU16 - Clarke
0903-06CG16-0003   n/a
 A2 FC Upstate
FC Upstate - GU16 - Haynes
0903-06CG16-0002   n/a
 A3 FC Upstate
FC Upstate - GU16 - Nunez
0903-06CG16-0001   n/a
 A4 FC Upstate
FC Upstate - GU16 - Wheeler
0903-06CG16-0004   n/a
 A5 Strikers Rec
Strikers Crush - G2005
0903-01RG06-0002   Bernard Lynch
 A6 Strikers Rec
Strikers Lightning- G2005
0903-01RG10-0003   Cindy Lansing